It can be hard on health and peace of mind when supplies are difficult to afford or difficult to find. Growing your own food or taking part in a farm market cooperative can be a way to get more variety of fresh produce for a low price. Picking wild berries or going to U-pick farms in the summer time can also be an inexpensive way to stock up by preserving the extra in the freezer or by canning. Sewing clothes or buying at resale shops is another traditional way to make limited money go further. Cloth diapers can also save money or at least provide an occasional substitute if you've run out of disposable ones. Cloth diapers also add less waste to landfills which helps the environment for the long term.
An article discusses typical costs and effort involved with cloth diapers and recommends asking friends or family for their good quality hand-me-downs as the initial expense can be significant if only one infant will use them, if younger siblings also get a use the cost can be less than disposables: "Cloth Diapering: Does it save enough money to be worth the extra effort? The Simple Dollar. Waterproof covers are needed in addition to the cloth liner. Donating packages of disposable diapers or reusable cloth diapers to homeless shelters or low income centers is helpful as either can be difficult for many low income parents to afford.
Donating gently used clothing for all ages or household goods, even picnic baskets, can help resale shops recycle the goods to those who may still benefit from the item and save it from reaching landfills as soon. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle when possible! Save room in the landscape for parks instead of needing more space for larger landfills.

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