Having a place to call your own for sleep and privacy can help reduce stress and protect health. Whether too hot, too cold, too windy, rainy or humid, or too dry, weather conditions can affect health and may make it more difficult to get a good night's sleep. Having a place to store your personal things and get cleaned up and dressed each day can help with a sense of self and ability to make it to a job each day in a condition that is ready for work.
The price of housing is more expensive than many minimum wages could afford with no other purchases. Zoning regulations in many urban areas limit apartment buildings and prioritize homes with yards. Mini houses in the backyard are being built in some areas for extra privacy for the home owner's family but sometimes they are being built for a homeless person. An interesting construction style that is low cost and durable for withstanding extreme weather and insulating during heat or cold involves the use of sand bags filled with sand or dirt. The sand bags are used like large bricks and stabilized with wire fencing and concrete. The completed homes look like adobe style buildings. Plans and images can be seen here: "18 Beautiful Earthbag House Plans for a Budget-Friendly Alternative Housing," by Jennifer Poindexter, morningchores.
Other resources regarding construction for reducing risk in wildfire or other disaster prone areas:
FEMA Home Builder's Guide to Construction in Wildfire Zones, (fema.gov/pdf) .
Earth Bag Domes for High Fire Risk Areas, (naturalbuildingblog.com) .
Disaster Resistant Earthbag Housing, (motherearthnews.com) .
How to Build an Earthquake-Resistant Home: An Earthbag Construction Manual (Nepal, straight wall construction rather than dome shaped plans fora areas with earthquake risk more than wildfire), (engineeringforchange.org) .
Nepal Engineer's Association Technical Journal, Earthbag Technology - Simple, Safe, & Sustainable. (detailed plans including lists of materials that might be required), (sherpaguan.free.fr/pdf).
Sandbag Construction (for flood zone area barriers), (cityofconcord.org/pdf)
Blogpost "Peace might be a dome home," includes links and information about rapid installation prefab Japanese Dome Houses that may be good in hurricane/wind conditions but not be good for wildfire risk zones as they are made from polystyrene.

Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes
within the guidelines of fair use.
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