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  • Why does the blog have three categories that seem so different from each other?
    The categories of the blog include Health & Wellness, Environment, and Peace is Happy, because they are all connected. A healthy environment is needed to support health and wellness and while happiness and a peaceful attitude are possible no matter what your circumstances it is easier and more likely to feel happiness when feeling healthy. Mood and physical health are connected. The Topic categories are also connected to the three blog categories. Biodiversity is part of a healthy environment and supports health and wellness. Family and a Good Job promotes happiness through a sense of social connection and a sense of purpose or autonomy. Safety and adequate resources are needed to support relaxation in a picnic setting and sharing the time and food with family, friends, and coworkers provides happiness and a sense of connection. Peace makes picnics possible.
  • Where can I take free or low cost online educational courses? - - - - - - Open Yale Courses - Open Enrollment Harvard courses -, fee may be required. - - University of the People - tuition free model, low cost degrees. Scholarships may be available for the low cost fees that are still required. - For a brief description of the sites see "10 MOOC WebSites to Start Your Free Onine Education," (9 are listed here, one didn't have a current link, except FutureLearn, see section 5.8 MOOCs,, for a description and other resources). -, a lesson plan building site by TedTalk videos, for students or educators with examples based on TedTalks and animated graphic videos. -, lesson plans and free resources about government, civic activities and developing a civic attitude; for educators to support classroom and online learning activities; founded by Former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor; donations accepted to help support free quality civics education for all students.
  • Where can I find out about nutrients and food?
    USDA Food Composition Database: SELF Nutrition Data: Food Facts, Information & Calorie Counter: USDA information for individuals about healthy meal planning: USDA Center for Nutrition Policy & Promotion, dietary guidelines/resources: Resources for U.S. (Massachusetts) school nutrition programs: U.S. Total Diet Study, nutrient and pesticide/toxin content of certain types of food: For an overview of the nutrients involved in health and common food sources see: Macro and Micro-Nutrients: an overview and food sources, For in depth information about nutrients see Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State University. Posts on this site include: Vitamin C for beautiful skin inside and out. Iron and B vitamins help prevent anemia. Light up your life with vitamin D. Iodine can perk up energy and IQ. For a discussion of normal changes to expect in memory during aging, and a summary of lifestyle habits and foods or nutrients that may help protect the brain from dementia see: Brain Cells and Aging, Magnesium is particularly important for protecting the brain however intestinal absorption problems can make it difficult for many conditions to obtain enough from diet or supplements. Protein and phospholipids are also necessary for the brain fluid to have reserve supplies of magnesium as it is an electrically active ion and can not be available in excess as a free ion, instead adequate back stock is held by protein or phospholipid molecules. When bound it is not electrically active but can quickly be released if needed to protect the brain or other cells in case of trauma. For more information, food and dietary and topical supplement forms of magnesium see: To have optimal Magnesium needs Protein and Phospholipids too,
  • Where can I learn more about sustainable development or climate change?
    The daily temperature around the globe is visualized in a color coded map at the site U.N. Climate Report 2018 by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Global Warming of 1.5'C, (2018), The Sustainable Development Goals and how they relate to each other in supportive or conflicting ways along with examples of implementation projects is available in a report that can be downloaded for all of the SDGs or as a chapter focused on each one: "A Guide to SDG Interactions from Science to Implementation," International Science Council. The World Ocean Review provides summary and in depth reports on the oceans and coastal regions, fishing, and mineral resources, and impact by climate change and human use. See the topic Peace is a Picnic/Peace for the future is change in agriculture now, for links to a report about agricultural recommendations for sustainability and the site. See the Peace is Biodiversity topic post: Protecting Biodiversity Takes Teamwork, for U.N. and other organizations involved in global conservation and biodiversity protection. FEE Essential Guide to Protecting the Environment, FEE.environment.pdf. A brief discussion and other resources is available in a post I wrote on another site: Climate Change, Ocean Currents, and an Ice Age, The Union of Concerned Scientist's review eight fossil fuel company's progress towards a low-carbon world in Climate Ability Scorecard, (2018), Germany may be leading the globe in making nature part of urban landscapes (Germany's Green Cities) which seems to help the environment. More green areas even in the form of parking lot flower beds increases ground water recovery and helps prevent flooding in severe storms whcih are more likely to occur as the climate changes. More drought in some areas and worse rain or snow storms in other areas is likely. A forum for promoting communciation between generations is available for the German community, in English it is the Generation Future Forum: Ongoing daily conversation and articles about climate change, primarily in English, are available on the social media site Twitter by entering #climatechange or #sustainability or #RenewableEnergy or #ElectricVehicles in the search feature. For other languages just enter the phrase in the language you use or are interested in seeing in the search feature. (See examples later in this FAQ.) Twitter is a social media site used in most nations of the world and the instant translation feature makes the Biblical Tower of Babel obsolete. Twitter when used on a computer rather than a mobile device includes an instant translation feature within each Tweet making it easy to get a rough idea of what the writer was discussing. To read Tweets you do not need an account but to reply or post your own Tweets you would need to set up an account using an email address. Learn more at Twitter Help Center. To write replies in another language or to find search terms in another language other translations services are available online. Google offers an instant translation site which can detect what language foreign script is in and translate to the language you prefer to read. See: Google Auto Translate. Twitter search terms for Climate Change, Sustainability, Renewable Energy, and Electric Auto in a few other languages: In German - #Klimawandel or #Nachhaltigkeit or #erneuerbareEnergie or #Elektroauto. In Chinese - Climate Change: #气候变化 Sustainability: #可持续性 Renewable Energy: #再生能源 Electric auto: #电动车 In Spanish - #cambioclimático or #sostenibilidad or #energíarenovable or #energiasrenovables or #cocheeléctrico For other topics type whatever is of interest to find conversation or accounts about that topic such as #geothermal and @_Geothermal_ - an account based in Iceland a nation that extensively uses geothermal power. The world is our home, many people are working to help protect it around the globe.
  • Where can I find resources for clean water management? - sustainable sanitation and water management has a library of information and project examples for solutions that have helped communities in a variety of settings provide clean water and treat wastewater sustainably. Simple water sanitation for clear water is as easy as filling clear plastic or glass bottles with water and leaving them in full sunshine conditions for six to eight hours or in cloudier sunshine for two full days - in areas that are warm. See Peace makes picnics possible.
  • Where do I find out more about United Nations resources?
    United Nations Human Rights Treaties: The Office of the High Commisioner for Human Rights (OHCHR): United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Development Goals Regional Centers: U.N. Economic Commission for Europe: U.N. Economic Commission for Africa: U.N. Economic & Social Commission for Asia & the Pacific: U.N. Economic Commission for Latin America & the Caribbean: U.N. Economic & Social Commission for Western Asia: The Sustainable Development Goals and how they relate to each other in supportive or conflicting ways along with examples of implementation projects is available in a report that can be downloaded for all of the SDGs or as a chapter focused on each one: "A Guide to SDG Interactions from Science to Implementation," International Science Council. See the Peace is Biodiversity topic post: Protecting Biodiversity Takes Teamwork, for U.N. and other organizations involved in global conservation and biodiversity protection. United Nations Educational Resources: U.N. Institue for Training & Research: U.N. Climate Change eLearn Platform: *The United Nations goals are noble sounding but may have an international global agenda with covert goals - it is hard to know what to trust, with the questionable policies that have been generated during the Covid era from the W.H.O. and C.D.C..
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